Frito Lay

Frito Lay

44th - Fortune 500 company list (2021)

(PepsiCo, parent company of Frito Lay)

Frito Lay is a division of PepsiCo and relocated it's corn gathering facility from Texas to Gothenburg, Nebraska, to capitalize on Nebraska's water availability and corn quality.  Frito Lay's Gothenburg facility supplies all of the corn west of the Mississippi River.  If you eat a Dorito, Tostito or Frito west of the Mississippi River, it most likely came from the Gothenburg facility.


*12 Million Bushels of Corn per year 

*13,000 Semi-Trucks per year

*125 Growers - 95% from Central Nebraska

*Corn is shipped out in 4,000 bushel rail cars (55-65 rail cars a week | 52 weeks a year)


"The relationship with Gothenburg and the surrounding area has been superb.  The community supports us very well, gives us the things we need, works with us to make things better for everyone involved."  - Scott Bartels, former Frito Lay Facility Manger